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Bioresonance is an advanced method of treatment that makes use of biological frequencies. It is a non-invasive, non-drug treatment that focuses on the biophysics of the body instead of the biochemistry, works on a cellular level to promote Self-healing & normalize the body.
According to biophysics, each cell has a certain frequency at which vibrates to perform its normal function, with time due to toxins, disease processes, age degenerative changes etc. they lose their normal frequency. Through our frequency generator machine, we provide the frequency required by the cells and hence normalizes them.
Through BRT we can treat over 63000 Diseases which has very good results for autism, cerebral palsy , slow learner , osteoarthritis , Rheumatoid arthritis ,cancer s, backaches ,paralysis, anxiety depression , muscular dystrophy , migraine , & many other diseases which do not any cure in other way of treatment.
The therapy will take approximately 1 to 3 Months depending on the severity of the diseases but you will start feeling a difference after 5,6 therapies.
We have 60-70% success rates, depending on the disease and its severity.
Each therapy is for 1.5 hours, on every alternate day. You can choose the timing according to your convenience.
Once our therapy had worked for you, it has no relapses.
We assure you that our therapy costs much less than long-term and pocket exhausting treatment of other fields, it is a one-time treatment.
We evaluate energy levels of different organs, that gives us an idea of the functionality of that particular organ. With our therapies, we normalize the energy levels and thus consequently organ becomes alright.
First 3 months of pregnancy a women should not take frequency or should not sit with kis doing frequency after this no issue.
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